Why you should buy PLA plastic

Why you should buy PLA plastic

PLA is one of the most popular materials for 3D printers, along with ABS. That's because it's one of the easiest materials to work with, giving good results in a wider range of properties than most other filaments on the market.

PLA Characteristics make it easy to print and provide excellent surface quality. Along with its affordable price, this means that even inexperienced users can achieve high-quality finished products on simple 3D printers.

PLA is polylactic acid, derived from organic materials. The filament is also biodegradable.

Why Printing with PLA is Easy

This material has many advantages that make it an optimal choice for beginners, including children. It is also an excellent choice for use in 3D pens.

  1. Printing with this plastic is easy – it does not require complex actions and settings. Simply buy high-quality PLA plastic, and it will flow well without deformation.
  2. The surface finish is usually very neat. It is not prone to forming strings or droplets.
  3. Post-processing is straightforward. It can be easily sanded using various methods.
  4. It is reasonably durable.
  5. PLA can be easily pigmented, so its color choices are usually broader.
  6. The plastic does not emit harmful substances during printing, although it is still advisable to print in well-ventilated areas. Therefore, we recommend buying PLA for use in 3D pens, especially if used by children.
  7. You do not pollute the environment by discarding waste or unsuccessful 3D prints. The material is non-toxic and decomposes within a few years.
  8. The printing temperature of PLA plastic is lower than that of most other filaments – making it suitable for a larger number of printers and requiring less energy. This makes it a suitable material for use in 3D pens.

In the context of the popularity of PLA plastic, it is important to understand its differences from ABS. Here are the main differences between them. First, ABS is slightly stronger than PLA and less dense.

When printing with ABS, it emits strongly smelling toxic substances. The odor when printing PLA is much weaker and non-toxic.

ABS is effectively smoothed with chemical liquids (such as acetone). This also increases the strength of the finished products.

ABS is not biodegradable because it is made from petroleum. However, this material is suitable for recycling – just make sure the packaging has the appropriate symbol.

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